
A tariff is a tax levied on an imported product at the border. Tariffs are a way for governments to protect domestic industry and production. If your government puts a tariff on foreign cars, then you’ll be more likely to buy a domestic car, since foreign cars being shipped into the country have to raise their price to cover the cost of the tariff tax.

US Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) are in charge of collecting tariff payments.

We recently had a close call with President Trump raising tariffs on Chinese goods, which is where most board game manufactures are located. Tariffs were raised, but not on toys specifically.

If you ever want to view the current tariff rates go to Harmonized Tariff Schedule website (https://hts.usitc.gov/).

You will need to enter a Harmonized System code (HS code). The Harmonized System is an international system used to classify every type of product. Every type of product is assigned an HS code.

The US Census Bureau offers a free, widely used online search tool that can help you classify your products. This search tool is the most commonly used method for classifying products. It is known as Schedule B Search. I have no idea why the Census Bureau is in charge of this.

HS Code for board games: 9504.90.6000